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Applicant represents that it is a BCO and not a Freight Forwarder or NVOCC as defined by 46 U.S. Code § 40102 – Definitions.

Gemini Shippers is changing the way companies procure transportation. As a 501(C)(6) not-for-profit organization, Gemini has become a leading logistics player by serving its members for nearly 100 years. Gemini offers members access to competitive global ocean freight contracts, long term rates, and space allocation with a wide variety of top tier ocean carriers by utilizing collective bargaining power and complete cost transparency. Gemini goes beyond the role of a typical shippers association and aims to streamline the process between quote request and shipment arrival by providing members with rate search, tracking & tracing, rate audit, and data analytics tools. Our mission is to aid companies, regardless of size and experience, in navigating the complex environment of transportation procurement. Our team of transportation and supply chain executives is focused on providing our members with neutral competitive intelligence built on delivering measurable service and cost improvement.

Gemini strives to provide the best of possible services to our members in a mutually confidential environment